Preskočiť na hlavný obsah
Official Page  SK

The domain is official

This is the official website of the public authority of the Slovak Republic. Official websites mainly use the domain.Links to individual websites of public authorities can be found at this link.

This page is secured

Be careful and always make sure that you share information only through the secure website of the Slovak public administration. A secure page always starts with https:// before the domain name of the website.

Management of the Autorithy

Director of the Chairman's Office Ing. Maria Frindrichová   

Director of the Economy and Administration Department Ing. Milada Lovičová   

Director of Legislative and Legal Affairs Department JUDr. Paulína Stanová Gürtlerová   

Director of the Postal Services Regulation Department JUDr. Zuzana Istenikova  

Director of Human Resources Ing. Natasha Svobodova   

Director of the Spectrum Planning Department Ing. Milan Mizera   

Director of the Electronic Communications Regulation Department Mgr. Ing. Ivan Martyák   

Director of the State Supervision Department Ing. Dusan Mozola   

Director of the Information and Communication Technologies Department Bc. Andrej Bradáč   

Director of the Single Information Point Mgr. Michal Gajarský